Tuesday, December 12, 2006

People don't listen anymore

Before we start this, yes I realize the irony inherent in making a post on a blog about people not listening. On to the crux of the situation!

For some reason, people have been coming up to me and asking my opinion/advice on how to do things. As long as I have some sort of grasp on the subject, I tell them what I think. Invariably, this leads to the statement:

"That's not a bad idea. I'm going to go with "

After I explain what I see wrong in their idea, and explain why I think mine might be better (Not that I'm always right, but I suggested it for a reason), we always come down to:

"Well, thanks for the advice, but I'm going with my first idea."

God damnit, if you just want validation for your idea, just ask me what I think of yours! Don't ask me for advice and just pray that I'm going to say what you're thinking! It's obvious when someone is actually looking for advice, and when someone just wants to be told they're doing the right thing. Ask for what you want!

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